I have been suffering from writers block lately. I have no idea what to even say....
My children are growing up. Svea has what I would call a "strong personality". She wakes in the morning with a smile on her face and tears through her day like a hurricane in Kansas. Her tastes run from fairy wings and rubber boots to Barney and winds up in a certain pair of jeans matched with a certain sweater (one that matches her sisters usually) and all this includes at least 101 shoe changes a day. She has this thing about me sitting down too. The mere sound of my ass landing softly on a chair nearby triggers an instantaneous chronic and desperate need for a new cup of juice, yogo bites, zip zips, bananas, or more milk for her cereal. The sound of a safety gate closing implements an immediate need for something on a floor she is not currently on (thankfully for her, she has four to choose from). When the daylight fades and the winter darkness settles in, she barely skips a beat. She can keep you hopping even in the twilight hours now that she has learned that frantic hollering on her part almost always results in a half naked shivering mother racing down the stairs to feed her peeled grapes if that's what it will take to stop the little she devil from waking her siblings. Bet you would never guess, just by looking at her. Sighhh.....
Olivia makes you laugh too. She is what the young people of today would refer to as being "random". Let me explain. At any time of the day, if she is waking up in her crib, she will proudly exclaim "GOOD MORNING!!" when you walk into her room. Could be supper time, no matter, when Olivia wakes, it is morning. Not that weird, no, not until she furthers her commentating with a polite "Sorry mommy" and "Nice Bum!!" comment. Each morning (and nap time), I must ask her why she is sorry, which she usually responds to with an equally random comment like "No baby! NO! Svea sleeping?! Doo Doos are for NIGHT time ONLY". She hates her brother. Hates him. I swear it. There is no words for how low she is willing to go to make him pay for making her the middle child. Soon, however, she will be smart to give this up, since he is almost as big as she is already. Thing is about Olivia, she may be beautiful and graceful and quite princess like, but she doesn't have a gentle bone in her body. Laugh, go ahead, but when the tomboy presents herself in our house, I doubt its going to be Svea like you all think. Oh no, Olivia has no fear, and combine that with long blond hair, legs that go on forever, and a motocross track in the backyard, this one is going to be miles ahead of boys for years to come. If she doesn't speed up, cut them off, and kick their bodies out of her way on the way past the finish line.
Hayden is a real, honest to goodness boy child. He grunts, he farts, he eats like his father (basically doesn't stop eating until his hatch is full to throat level), he growls, enjoys playing with potties and toilet brushes and above all else, enjoys torturing his sisters (namely Olivia, since she screams so satisfyingly). He is fast, bright, strong, and has the brightest smile I have ever seen. Parenting three two and under sucks sometimes, I am not going to lie, but this child can shoot you a 10 000 watt smile guaranteed to melt your heart instantly.
And if that doesn't work, well, I always have Thursday night ski night, don't I?
Which reminds me, I should go to bed now, so I can get enough rest to make up for what I wont get tommorow night......
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