Monday, August 11, 2008

Emo Rocked

The drive to our horse show left little to be desired. Both the girls ate some bad raisins (this is my educated guess) and blew chunks starting about 20 minutes into the trip and lasting almost the entire way. Gravol was used with little success. Diarrhea followed the chunk blowing and my truck smelled (and still does) like the sick section in the pediatric unit. Gross.

The horse show, however, was most excellent. Jag put on his bestest behaviour and I have decided that if he doesn't genuinely love me (refer to earlier post), than I do absolutely and genuinely love him. He was honest and forgiving and we had an amazing show. He did decide that one particular mare at the show was the evil devil from far below (not only did she kick sand onto the steel rails forcefully, making a very scary sound, but she also bucked and hopped about resentfully) and I spent a fair amount of my western classes avoiding her, since he made it clear that she was MUCH scarier than the fact that a big loader was tearing down a nearby barn. Yes, since the Emo fair follows our Quarter Horse show, the fair board decided that ripping an on site barn down during our western pleasure classes was perfectly appropriate. Jag, however, ignored the barn and stared fearfully at the big grey mean mare instead.

Anyways, I had my team (thank you SO MUCH Kathy, Liisa, and Kaidi and Gramma) which definitely contributes to any success I have at these shows. Kaidi and Gramma are the "A" team, whom takes care of the three Amigo's so I can ride and show without three snuglies strapped to my chest while I do it. Liisa and Kathy are the "B" team, whom not only provide me with Beer, but attend to all horsey needs. All I have to do is drink the Beer and ride. I would do a thousand more of these horse shows if it didn't cost a thousand dollars to fill the gas tank and I didn't have a nice cool lake calling my name at the lake, lol.

I will follow with pics once Kaidi the "A" team photographer passes some my way. I know she got some super hot ones and I am excited to see them uploaded.

So, we made it through another show. Last one is likely the Thanksgiving Classic in Brandon. I cant wait :)

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