Monday, June 30, 2008

See you in Dryden

So, I got my new show jacket just before I left for my trip. It was intended, originally, to be a new showmanship jacket, but apparently my estimation for length, was out. LOL. A fair amount. That's what happens when you let an amateur attempt at getting her own measurements right. So, being that I already HAVE a new showmanship jacket, this new one is going to be my new rail jacket. And honestly, I personally thought it was a bit dumb we were even having another showmanship jacket made given my true desire to really drag this particular horse into a showmanship class in our current.....lets say....situation. I have nothing to RIDE him in, since it has been about 6 years since I have really shown in western...we haven't exactly been shopping for clothes for it. So, all things considered, it was a error with a good ending. I love the jacket. It is wonderfully made with amazing attention to detail. The embroidery is beautiful. Each crystal is sewn on. The lambskin is butter soft. The poly wool blend is gorgeous. She has it lined with a snow white beautiful fabric. (She would be Sar, the new designer that made the jacket for me. Her work can be seen at I think I put a bit of weight on since measuring and the arms are slightly tight, though, I think without the liner I would have a bit more room.
(note that I am wearing navy pants in this photo as my new black ones are on route).
So anyways, here it is ladies and gentleman. For some strange reason I am actually planning to show my horse in Dryden, ON this Friday-Sunday. I have rode him umm....3 times in the last month. He was a bit of a head case this evening. I figure I can announce to the world that with these kids I barely have a chance to ride, and everyone will understand if he is not (and surely will not) be perfect this weekend. I can be sure to get the sympathy of everyone...except the judge. So if you see me frantic, frustrated, sad, or just plain confused, please...take pity, offer me a beer, a tranquilizer, or simply take a baby off my hands. All three will be have plenty to choose from.
See you in Dryden!

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